61 Greetings! This is Susan Williams Stevens and I'll be sharing the task of reporting your news with Doug Fuss. I'm a retired professional librarian and have served variously in Kalamazoo, MI; Melbourne, Australia; Edinburgh, Scotland; and Sacramento, CA. At present I'm a Presbyterian pastor's wife in Reedsport, OR (pop. 4,000)—a small town with a big heart. We are a coastal town and the gateway to the popular Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. As I write this, it's the annual Dune Fest in neighboring Winchester Bay.
A postscript with regard to our 50th Reunion: Many of our classmates enjoyed wonderful musical presentations from the Savoyards, the Glee Club, and the Women's Chorus. We also were treated to hearing and seeing the new baroque organ at Anabel Taylor and then lovely harp music at Sage Chapel, accompanying the special moments of the remembrance of our late classmates. Thanks to Neil Goldberger, there was a display of books by our classmates to peruse. Without having the titles to give you, the authors represented were Betty Schultz Goldberg, Edward Robbins, Brenda Zeller Rosenbaum, Judy Rensin Mandell, Ron Barnes, Phillip Witt, MBA '65, Ken Blanchard, PhD '67, and Phil Hodges. Pat Laux Richards, who was in charge of affinity group contacts, tells me that 76 classmates worked on getting in touch with more than 83 groups—colleges, sports teams, fraternities, sororities, campus organizations, and so on. As a result, here are numbers for some of them: 18 Phi Gamma Deltas, 12 Kappa Kappa Gammas, seven Psi Upsilons, 16-plus Catholic community, and ten-plus lightweight crew in a Reunion Row organized by Tony Seaver.
Unfortunately, many of us could not attend reunion. Lawrence Aaron (Evanston, IL) wrote, "Still working—but remember great times on the Hill." Gale Collyer Keenan (Cary, NC) was sad to say, "I had planned on coming to reunion; however, I am now taking chemo for breast cancer. Fortunately, it was caught early so I am optimistic about the outcome. Will miss seeing everyone." Gerald Schneider (Kensington, MD) reports that he was one of 40 people invited by President Obama to a live national town hall meeting on healthcare on June 8, 2010. Following the televised meeting, Gerald appeared with four others in a follow-up discussion with commentator Melanie Alnwick that was broadcast on WTTG-Channel 5 in Washington, DC. Gerald is also a volunteer and part-time, odd-hour, paid employee of his county's recreation department. He says he "will only re-tire when his auto needs it." Gerald would "love to hear from any of the Fernow Hall conservation guys and gals" that remember him.
Stephan Minikes (Great Falls, VA; SMMinikes@hotmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve as the US Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, headquartered in Vienna, Austria. "I did that after I gave up my managing partnership for the Washington office of Thelen, Reid, and Priest. My wife and I moved from Vienna to Kennebunkport, ME. We had lived in D.C. all of our professional lives and did not want to return. Nonetheless, we did—because that's where the job opportunities were. My nonprofit job opportunities were with two D.C. think-tanks: the Int'l Republican Inst. (IRI), which has offices in about 50 countries and seeks to promote human rights and democracy, and the Hudson Inst., whose in-house scholars think about the future in bold and unconventional ways." Stephan goes on to say he has never been to a Cornell reunion, but reads the alumni magazine "quite religiously."
Astrid Bossi Carroll (Woodbury, MN) enjoys retired life by "traveling a lot" and spending the winters in Ft. Myers, FL, where she and husband Joe "bought a house in a golf course community." Dorothy Ann Meigs Ghent lives in Abbotsford, Victoria, Australia. She has been challenged in the last couple of years with replacement surgery for both hips and knees. Her husband, Ralph, PhD '61, died in 1964. She's considering moving, due to "increased drug dealing in the area and the lack of English language bookshops and a European delicatessen." She is still doing paid work as a sacristan. She'd like to hear from Isobel Black Nicolson and Phoebe Mason.
May Lee Ling (Laguna Woods, CA) and husband Chung-li relocated from Massachusetts to California to be closer to their three sons. (Wouldn't we all like to be near our kids, says me all the way across the country from mine.) They have renovated their house and are enjoying everything that was done. May serves locally on her Community Emergency Response Team. At Reunion, my husband Bill and I had a chance to chat with Margaret Farrell at the tent lunch. Margie was one of the speakers at the class forum. What we didn't learn at the forum was that she volunteers with the Int'l Senior Lawyers Project working with developing countries, and that she spent four months in Liberia, West Africa. Doug and I are both dying for news from you all. We can't write a column without it. Please write. Susan Williams Stevens, sastevens61@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ; Doug Fuss, dougout@attglobal.net.